Your search results for "G" are displayed below. Click on the result name for the full record.
Name | Department | Specimen Type | Sample Container & Volume | Turnaround Time |
Gamma Glutamyl Aminotransferase (γGT) | Biochemistry | Serum | 5 mL - Red Tube | 1 day |
Gentamicin assay | Biochemistry | Peripheral blood | 5 mL Red top clotted blood | 1 day |
Glucose | Biochemistry | Fluoride EDTA Plasma | 4 mL Grey EDTA Fluoride tube | 1 day |
Glucose | Biochemistry | CSF Sample in a universal container | CSF Sample in a universal container | 1 day |
Glucose Tolerance Test (2 hour pp) | Biochemistry | Fluoride EDTA Plasma | 4 mL Grey EDTA Fluoride tube | 1 day |
Glucose Tolerance Test (Fast) | Biochemistry | Fluoride EDTA Plasma | 4 mL Grey EDTA Fluoride tube | 1 day |
Glucose | Biochemistry | Fluid | 4 mL Grey EDTA Fluoride tube | 1 day |
GIST panel | Cancer Molecular Diagnostics | Formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue | See related links for Solid Tumour Service User Guide | 10 working days |
Growth Hormone | Biochemistry | Serum | 5 mL - Red Tube | 20 working days |
Glutamic Acid Decarboxyalse (GAD) Antibody | Immunology | Clotted blood | 5ml Red | 21 days |
Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibodies (IgG) | Immunology | Clotted blood | 5ml Red. | 3 days |
Gastrin | Biochemistry | Serum - fasting | 5 mL - Red Tube - See Notes Section | 30 days |
Gut Hormone Profile - Referred to external agency, available for SJH patients ONLY | Biochemistry | Please contact lab to arrange special tube. Sample must be sent to laboratory within 15 minutes of venepuncture. Haemolysed samples are unsuitable | EDTA plasma (Purple Tube) separated & frozen within 15 minutes of venepuncture. | 30 days |
Galactomannan antigen EIA | Microbiology | Peripheral blood, Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL), Tracheal Aspirates | 6 ml clotted Red top serum tube or Sterile universal container for BAL | 4 days |
Genetic Test for Haemochromatosis | Biochemistry | 3ml Purple EDTA Blood tube EDTA samples should be sent as soon as possible and the time/date of collection clearly noted on the request form. If any delay in the transport of samples is anticipated, EDTA samples should be left unspun and refrigerated. A buccal swab is also acceptable where blood is not appropriate (e.g. in the case of recipients of allogeneic bone marrow transplants). | 6 weeks | |
Genetic Test for Hereditary Transthyretin mediated Amyloidosis (hATTR) | Biochemistry | Whole Blood - EDTA | EDTA 3 ml | 6 weeks |
Glucose-6-phosphate-Dehydrogenase | Haematology | Peripheral Blood | 2 x 4ml EDTA Purple samples | 7 working days. Urgent service available (48Hrs) by prior arrangement only |
Genetic Test for the Acute Porphyrias | Biochemistry | 3ml Purple EDTA Blood tube EDTA samples should be sent as soon as possible and the time/date of collection clearly noted on the request form. If any delay in the transport of samples is anticipated, EDTA samples should be left unspun and refrigerated. | EDTA 3ml | Mutation scan 60 days Mutation screen 30 days |
Genetic Test for Familial Hypercholesterolemia | Biochemistry | 3ml Purple EDTA Blood tube EDTA samples should be sent as soon as possible and the time/date of collection clearly noted on the request form. If any delay in the transport of samples is anticipated, EDTA samples should be left unspun and refrigerated. | Mutation scan 60 days Mutation screen 30 days | |
Ganglioside Antibodies | Immunology | Clotted blood | 5ml Red. | Up to 8 weeks |
Group and Hold (SJH patients only) | Transfusion Medicine | Blood | 6ml Pink (EDTA Sample) | Urgent: 1hr 15 mins, Routine: 24hrs |
Group + Crossmatch (SJH patients only) | Transfusion Medicine | Blood | 6mL Pink bottle (EDTA Sample) | VALID GROUP AND HOLD IN LAB (Antibody Screen Negative); Code Red: 20mins, Urgent: 1hr, Routine: 24hrs. NO VALID GROUP AND HOLD IN LAB, from receipt of sample; Code Red: 20mins, Urgent: 2hrs, Routine: 24hrs |
22 results